Stanley-Boyd Area Schools
"We exist to produce results and benefits for students"
The City of Stanley is home of an excellent public school system that serves the City of Stanley, the Village of Boyd and the surrounding area.
The Stanley-Boyd School District has an enrollment of around 1,000 students. The Boyd School houses early childhood education for the communities.
The Stanley-Boyd High School with an enrollment of around 350 students is large enough to offer a full array of courses for students preparing for their future. Most Stanley-Boyd graduates attend a vocational school or a college/university.
Extracurricular activities offered by the Stanley-Boyd Schools provided an opportunity to those students who wish to take advantage of a well-rounded education.
- The chorus and band are well known for their award-winning performances at district and state competitions.
- A forensics program provides an opportunity for those students interested in advancing their ability in public speaking.
- Sports programs offer the largest opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities: football, girls’ volleyball, cross-country, basketball, golf, wrestling, baseball and softball.
- A local chapter of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) offers a variety of programs for interested students
Stanley Boyd Environmental and Outdoor Educational Center
Stanley Boyd School District launched it's agricultural education center in Spring 2009 on 70+ acres east of the schools. Wisconsin DNR, FFA, FFA Alumni, local farmers and residents assisted with some five years of planning and joining of properties. The pond/dam and walking trail are among other special features of the project. A walking trail surrounds the site and include hundreds of various trees. Educational projects are being planned for all grade levels.

Stanley Alumni Association
Membership in SBAA includes all graduates or anyone that has attended SBHS-SHS-BHS as well as Teachers, Administrators or support staff of our schools. Please pass the word to family friends that would be interested in belonging to SBAA. We encourage people to register, sumitting the following information: Last Name, First Name, Maiden Name, Class of___, Address, City, State, Zip, email Address and Phone Number. Please send your information to: Stanley-Boyd Alumni Association - PO Box 162 - Stanley, WI 54768. Or email any questions or above information to SB.alumni.assn@gmail.com.
The SBAA has no membership dues, however Charter Membership is available to all Alumnie Association members, to support the work and encourage the growth of the Association. Donations of any size are appreciated. Donations for the SBHS Scholarship Fund are also encouraged.