2017 Stanley Events
Second Saturday of February -- February 11 -- Otter Lake Booster Clubs Free Children's' Fishing Contest. Contact (715) 644-4979 for information.
Easter Weekend Friday and Saturday -- April 14 and 15 -- Stanley-Boyd High School Alumni Basketball Tournament and Women’s Volleyball Tournament. Contact Information: (715) 644-5100.
Easter Saturday -- April 15 -- Free Show at the Stanley Theater 1:30 p.m. Contact Information (715) 644-5988.
Stanley-Boyd High School Graduation - Saturday, May 27 at 1:30 p.m. Weather permitting it will be held at the Stanley-Boyd High School "Oriole Park" stadium.
Second Saturday June (Saturday before Father’s Day weekend) June 10 -- 4x4 Truck Pull and Super Farm Tractor Pull at Chapman Park, Stanley. Registration 4-6 pm. with the pull starting at 7 p.m.: Contact Information: Tom Kluck (715) 206-0169 or Paul Kluck (715) 271-5576.
Father’s Day Weekend -- June 16, 17 and 18 -- Stanley Ram Series Rodeo Days held at Chapman Park. Friday and Saturday Rodeo Performances at 7:30 p.m. Horse Pull and Pedal Tractor Pull Sunday after the parade. Contact Information: (715) 644-3327. For credit card purchase of tickets check the Stanley Rodeo 2017 Website.
Third Sunday in July -- July 16 --Annual Otter Lake Booster Clubs Charcoal Chicken Dinner held at the Otter Lake day use park. There will be refreshments, raffles and music throughout the day. Serving 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or when they run out. Contact Information: (715) 644-4979.
Last Sunday in July -- July 30 -- Annual Stanley Lions Watermelon Festival held at Chapman Park. Flea Market starts at 8 a.m. Charcoal Chicken serving starts at 10:30 a.m. Car Show 10 a.m. Children’s Games 3 p.m. Free watermelon starting at 11 a.m. Raffle on grounds. Contact Information: (715) 644-3638 (General Info), (715) 644-5298 (Flea Market) and (715) 644-5376 (Car Show).
Second Thursday, Friday and Saturday of August -- August 10, 11, and 12 -- Stanley’s City Wide Thrift Sales, with local businesses offering specials and some merchants holding sidewalk sales. Local restaurants will feature lunch specials on Friday. Contact Information: (715) 644-2315.
Third Wednesday of September --September 20 -- Harvest Dinner 4:30 -7:30 p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 147 E. 4th Avenue, Stanley. Meatballs and all the trimmings, pie for dessert. Contact Information: (715) 644-2192.
First Saturday in October –October 7 -- 6th Annual Stanley-Boyd Alumni All School Reunion. All graduates of Stanley-Boyd High School are invited to attend. Silent Auction with proceeds going to a Scholarship Fund. Contact Information: (715) 644-5880.
Saturday, October 28, 2017 – Free Halloween Movie at the Stanley Theater beginning at 1:30 p.m. Judging of costumes for children with prizes awarded.
Second Sunday in November -- November 12 -- Holy Family PCCW Annual Bazaar at Holy Family Hall, 136 E. Third Avenue, Stanley. Doors open at 10 a.m. Chicken and Polish sausage dinner served beginning at 10:30 a.m. Bakery, silent auction, kids games, and raffles. Contact Information: (715) 644-5435.
Third in December – December 16 -- Stanley Christmas Event -- Free Bingo sponsored by the Stanley Business Association at Holy Family Hall begins at 1 p.m. Contact Information: (715) 644-5880
Third Saturday of December – December 16 -- Free Movie and Santa’s visit at the Stanley Theater 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Contact Information (715) 644-5988.